Created: 2024-11-13 Wed 17:01
Almost everything I am going to tell you can be found in the Science Book. It's quite dry and a little out of date, but it is the definitive reference for the general scientific community.
The LSST Overview Paper is a good–but still dense–summary of the Science Book.
Lighter-weight resources: Andy Connolly Ted Talk and and LSST Key Numbers.
Images, except when otherwise noted: Rubin Observatory/NSF/AURA
It is the observatory that will carry out the Legacy Survey Of Space And Time.
It was formerly known as the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST). The name was changed in late 2019 to honor Vera Rubin.
Rubin performed the first rigorous quantitative work proving that galaxies could not behave as they did if the mass was where the light was, giving firm experimental confirmation of Zwicky's "Dark Matter," hypothesized in 1933.
Since understanding dark matter and dark energy is among the primary purposes of the survey, the renaming of the observatory in her honor was particularly fitting.
Vera Rubin, from a full-focal-plane image from the Symonyi Survey Telescope's camera (50 micron aperture).
Captured/resized by the author from Stanford's Camera Image Viewer (3.2Gpx to 102Kpx).
Quite a bit of what you will find on the Web still talks about "LSST". This will change over time, and we have adopted a more precise set of names for observatory components.
The Observatory as a whole is the "Vera C. Rubin Observatory"; "Rubin Observatory" for short.
The ten-year survey is the "LSST".
The telescope is the "Simonyi Survey Telescope".
Rubin Observatory is funded by NSF, DOE, and many public and private donors.
Please do not call it "VRO". Use "Rubin Observatory" instead.
It's in the Andes foothills, about an hour and a half from La Serena, Chile (57 km), on Cerro Pachón. It is at approximately 2680m elevation.
(Picture by Wil O' Mullane, probably)
(Hernan Stockebrand)
(also Hernan Stockebrand)
This location is excellent for optical astronomy (including infrared) for several reasons:
8800 feet is much easier for humans to work at than 14,000 (Mauna Kea) but you're still above almost all the water vapor in the air. Expected mean seeing is 0.67" (remember this when we talk about the camera).
First joint observatories were built in the 1960s.
(There was also a lot of Cold War politics involved.)
Gemini South and SOAR are also on Cerro Pachón; it's 10 km from Cerro Tololo (CTIO). So we had power, comms, and a road to the mountain already.
The first (and currently the only) mission of the Rubin Observatory is to execute the Legacy Survey Of Space And Time (LSST).
The LSST is a ten-year survey of the southern sky. Six bands, from near-ultraviolet to near-infrared (320-1080nm). We will get a complete picture of the Southern sky (in at least one band) every three nights (-ish, dependent on survey cadence). This will enable detection of faint transient phenomena with a much greater degree of completeness than ever before.
We will make approximately 1000 visits a night, and take a picture of the sky with a 30-second exposure time. Each picture is 3.2 gigapixels. Then we slew the telescope and do it again, all night, every night, for ten years, weather (and other factors) permitting.
COVID-19 (and its knock-on effects) delayed our schedule quite a lot. We expect to begin science operations in 2025.
But also we've had our share of other delays, like weather.
That's the weather station on the left. Bad weather when your weather station falls over.
For example, the camera cooling system was not performing as it should have, and needed significant rework.
We will collect 20-ishTB of pipeline-processed data a night (including calibration data–just images are 15-ishTB). That's equivalent to all the data collected over the Hubble Space Telescope's 30+-year lifetime each week.
We will take over one trillion photometric measurements of astronomical objects.
The reduced catalogue (the primary science product) will be on the order of 15PB: tens of billions of rows, with complex structure, in a database.
The complete data set (with cailbrated exposures, templates, etc.) will approach half an exabyte.
The telescope is distinguished by several characteristics, imposed by the requirements of the survey. Chief among these are its compactness and its rigidity, which are necessary to be able to quickly and accurately repoint the telescope a thousand times a night and take a picture without the telescope swaying.
The telescope will make 1000 thirty-second visits a night, with five seconds in between each visit to repoint and damp the telescope.
We have to move it from one location on the sky to another and have it settle in 4.8 seconds for a change of 3.5° elevation and 7° azimuth: 2-ish seconds of motion and 3-ish seconds to settle to 0.1".
In order to be able to move that quickly and settle that fast, the telescope has to be extremely rigid. The whole assembly weighs about 450 tons. The azimuth motors total 400 HP and the elevation motors 50 HP. The rim of the assembly is moving at about 30 mph when we are repointing.
This requires a very compact telescope. It is a three-mirror design, where M1 and M3 are part of the same piece of glass. This is the largest monolithic piece of glass ever constructed and seems likely to remain so given that newer telescope designs mostly use ceramic substrates.
(still from a video on the gallery)
(Picture by Adam Thornton)
M1M3 is 8.4m diameter. That can collect a lot of photons.
Huge field of view: 3.5°. (JWST is 3.2' or so.) Seven full moons side-by-side, or Orion's belt, or a DVD at arm's length. If you calculate that out, each pixel is about 0.6".
Single-visit depth is magnitude 24.7. Stacked depth (to 5σ detection) over the survey is magnitude 27.5: 30/400 million times fainter than naked eye detection. (The detectors saturate at magnitude 16, and these magnitudes are in our r-band, which is our deepest.)
It will be the deepest ground-based survey telescope.
Étendue is the product of field of view and the primary mirror area. It's "how much light can a telescope collect in a given time?" The Simonyi Survey Telescope's étendue is 319 (m°)², more than an order of magnitude more than any other instrument. Hence: wide, fast, deep.
Picture by Nate Lust (Princeton University) with data from the HSC collaboration.
(pointing at the Moon would be really dumb, but not as dumb and dangerous as pointing at the Sun)
Currently the largest (in pixel count) digital camera ever made. Made at SLAC. About the physical size of a minivan.
3.2 Gpx, in 189 sensors, divided into 21 rafts (plus four wavefront sensor rafts). The first full-focal-plane images were made in September 2020: article, Stanford press release.
374 4K HDTVs to display a complete full-resolution image. Assuming a 70" TV, that more or less tiles a basketball court in terms of area.
Obviously the aspect ratios don't work like that, but if you imagine the average pixel density of a 70" HDTV…you need a screen the size of a basketball court to see a full-resolution image.
Remember: about 1000 of those images are produced a night.
More than two feet wide.
We use active optics to sharpen the picture. These are a system of actuators to (on a timescale of about a second) compensate for mirror deformation caused by temperature fluctuations, wind, et cetera.
We cannot use adaptive optics (much higher frequency, order of 100Hz) to compensate for atmospheric distortion as many narrow-field telescopes (such as the ELT, 10 arcminutes) do, because our field of view is large and the air within the cone of sight is nowhere near homogeneous.
(Picture by Adam Thornton)
Total construction cost is about a half-billion (2013) dollars.
Operations: about $35 million/year (or a dollar a second). About another half-billion over survey lifetime, factoring in commissioning time.
Grand total, one billion dollars in round numbers. Actually a bit more, since there's been considerable inflation since 2013, and the schedule has taken longer than anticipated.
There are four major pillars of the LSST research program:
We should detect 10 to 40 million AGNs (quasars) over the survey lifetime.
300,000 supernovae per year. Current rate, across all instruments, is about 7000 a year. One supernova goes off in a Milky Way-sized galaxy every few dozen years. One explodes in the observable universe once every ten seconds.
About 10 billion galaxies, and about 10 billion stars. So everyone can have one of each, with plenty to spare.
If I did my math right, the linear distance spanned by a pixel (0.6") at the limit of the observable universe (comoving distance: 46.1 billion light years) is about 134,000 light years. So a Milky Way-sized structure in the early universe would just about span a pixel in our detector. Except that it's really more complicated than that because of the stretching of spacetime, but you get the idea.
There are three kinds of Data Products that will come out of the survey: images, catalogues, and alerts. These fall into three data Product categories: Prompt, Data Release, and User-Generated.
Prompt products are alerts (plus bundled catalogue and image data): something has changed significantly relative to its historical brightness or position. We have to issue these within 60 seconds of the shutter closing, and they can be consumed by anyone with data rights. We've kept this simple: anything that is present, and wasn't before, or isn't, and was before, with a certainty of 5σ (that is, p-value of 1 in 3.5 million), done with an image-subtraction algorithm.
It's an enormous firehose: on the order of 10 million alerts a night. (So, statistically, three of those will just be very unlucky noise, not real events!) There will therefore be community-supplied brokers (seven have been selected, plus two more downstream of those) that filter the Rubin-provided stream with further processing to determine what class of event an alert is, and pass selected alerts downstream. Those will not have sub-minute latency.
Data Releases are our annual catalogues. Each year, we have to reprocess all the data collected thus far, in order to get our coadded (stacked) data correct. This process will take all year. Once published, this too is immediately available to people with data rights, and two years later for the public.
Alerts and Data Releases are, of course, mostly automated, and the source code for their production will be publicly available. (As is the source code for everything we do except a few proprietary telescope components.)
User generated products are things derived from the first two categories to support particular science goals. This is generally "what I'm writing the paper about" and will usually remain proprietary to the group producing the research.
Education and Public Outreach will be coordinating curricula (from middle school to college astronomy courses) and organizing citizen science projects (think Zooniverse). As someone interested in the project who is not a professional astronomer, I sympathize with their aims.
I work in the Science Quality and Reliability Engineering (SQuaRE) team, within the Data Management organization of the Rubin Observatory.
My particular focus has mostly been the interactive notebook aspect of the Science Platform. That was envisioned for quick hypothesis-investigation for scientists, but it's now spread into the dome, where it's being used for instrument control, among other things.
I also have been working on monitoring and telemetry for the Science Platform framework. This is derived from the Engineering Facilities Database we built for the components in the dome; we can leverage this work to keep track of the health and performance of internal components of our Science Platform, too.
I have worked in IT as a system administrator, software developer, consultant, software engineer, and many other roles, for more than 35 years.
Unsolicited Avuncular Advice: find a job doing something you like, because it's much easier to get good at something you enjoy than something you hate.
Neither of my degrees are in scientific or engineering fields.
I have never taken an astronomy course.